Case Study: Scaling Heights: AtticStar's Strategic Leap from High Costs to High Returns in Lead Generation

Client: AtticStar

Industry: Lead Generation 

AtticStar, an insulation company, struggled with high costs per lead on its Google Ads campaigns. This made its advertising inefficient and hindered business growth.

The Challenge & Objectives

AtticStar needed to lower its cost per conversion to make its advertising more effective. Once that first step was accomplished, AtticStar wanted us to find ways to scale their business and increase lead volumes without compromising the cost per lead.

Objectives included:
Reduce the cost per conversion by 50% within 3 months.
Ensure sustainable and scalable business growth of 10% month-over-month.

Our Approach

In July 2023, we teamed up with AtticStar, using our lead generation expertise. We took a two-step approach:
Developed a new lead generation campaign with advanced digital marketing techniques that are based on our team’s decades of experience.
Analyzed AtticStar’s previous campaigns to identify and fix key issues.

 The Results

After our strategic changes, AtticStar saw immediate improvements:
Increased the number of leads (calls and form submissions) by 14x in 4 months.
Reduced cost per lead by 50% within 1 month.
Maintained a consistent cost per acquisition during our scaling process (month 3 and onwards).
Our intervention not only solved AtticStar’s immediate problems but also set them up for long-term success.


This case study shows how targeted strategies can tackle persistent challenges and drive profitability. Our key actions included:
Strategic Overhaul: Restructuring digital advertising strategies to align with business goals.
Advanced Techniques: Using the latest digital marketing techniques to improve lead generation.
Problem Solving: Identifying and fixing issues in previous campaigns to boost performance.
Sustainable Scaling: Balancing increased advertising efforts with consistent CPA to ensure growth and profitability.
Blueprint for Success: Providing a model for other businesses to overcome high advertising costs and achieve scalable growth.
AtticStar's journey from high conversion costs to scalable success highlights the power of well-crafted digital marketing strategies.
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